Thursday, January 20, 2005

arudha chakra

Most south indian, especially the coastal andhra astrologers draw the Arudha chakra. Arudha chakra is as important as the rasi chart, as it gives us a true picture of a person. The karaka for arudha lagna is chandra, and Chandra is the reflector of the Atma. It has been said by some astrologers that Arudha is Maya or an illusion, which is incorrect. The manifested world with all its hues and colours is nothing but an arudha. All that we see with the naked eye, the physical, tangible objects and people are nothing but the arudhas.

The consciousness which drives the person is something which is intangible and cannot be percieved. Even the person himself might not about his real self, till the guru comes to his life and wakes him up from the slumber.

Sri Aurobindo a great indian scholar had remarked in "Supramental manifestation on earth" the following

" A man does not work according to his ideas, but rather his nature". People might have certain ideas about happenings and people around them. They might harbor many ideas, but when they actually start interacting with the world, they behave more according to their general nature and temperament.

The general nature, temperament can be known from Moon and also the Arudha lagna. Arudha lagna is nothing but a reflection of the true self, and thus together with moon can show the general behavior in the society.

Once mastered, predictions can be made based on Arudha chakra alone.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The process of worship

A scientific Explanation of the whole process of worship.

There are three levels of knowing or awarenes
a) Hope b) Belief c) Faith

In hope you are just hoping that God will answer your prayers

In Belief you somehow believe that God will answer your prayers,because of some past actions.

In Faith, you know that whether you are good, bad, ugly, deformed,criminal, saint, all your prayers will be answered. The reason is that you and HE are one and the same. He has created all the souls with the same powers that he has.
She has Given all the souls complete free will.

The Universe is a gigantic Xerox Machine, it is a great Machine which answers all our prayers, because we have to just ask for it. So when we worship we actually are either bringing in certain energies to us, or expelling certain energies. All the universe is made up of Pancha bhutas, or the Five elements

In Essence everything is same. Only the configuration is different.
Every person has 6+1 Chakras in his anatomy that control and regulate life.The higher chakras are used to percieve the world (Ajna chakra-eyes), Throat Chakra(hearing and breathing), etc. The lower chakras are used to digest food and excrete them,.All this is pretty scientific if one understands the human Body.Astrology helps us to correct our chakras, our system, the physical and mental Body. When Mars is too strong, then the person is of fiery temperament. It brings out lot of anger.

The worship or Prayer, or uttering of certain sounds, creates certain vibrations that "cool" the System called body, so that the Body reacts to anger in a cool manner.ALL WE THINK, TALK, and DO IS NOTHING BUT PRAYER.

When we think something positive, the Universe makes sure that you are going to get that.When you think negative, you get nothing but negative.
But if You say I WANT MONEY, you will NOT get, as the universe is very innocent, and it will respond by creating the FEELING OF WANT. See you should not think I WANT, you should either think I HAVE, and if your mind is not ready to accept it, then think, I WILL,. When you say I will or I am recieving money, you shall definitely get it. I have done this experiment with myself and i have got it,.I read it, but then i also tried it.

So never think something rubbish over and over again. Whenever you get thoughts of accident, or bad events of some close ones, just change it to Om Namah Shivaya, or if you are not eleiving in Hindu mantras, then think something good.The universe i am repeating is very innocent. It will only do as you wish. If you keep on thinking about negative things, even though you are not willing it to happen to you, but still such things would happen, as you are "THINKING ABOUT IT".

Thought is creative.

Thought is energy. So energy put in a place again and again will become mass. So the next time you get small cold, or scratch, dont think it was an Accident. THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS or COINCIDENCES IN UNVIERSE. There are no Miracles, Miracles we call, if we cant understand the Universe.

Thus mantras, or words, or sounds, or thoughts are all one and the same.

You are a great Body attracting millions of impulses all the time. If you are regularly alone for atleast 10 minutes a day, you can think about what is happening around you. So all the mantras are nothing but self correcting TOOLS. These tools Should be used with caution, as you dont really know your constitution, whether you are PITTA(Fire), VATA(Air) and Kapha(Water). some mantras can have adverse effect on you, if you dont understand. Thus dont give mantras, or recieve mantras from The Ignorant.

Brahma Vishnu Shiva

Brahma Visnhu And Shiva are not related to religion, when the names were invented . They were related to the phenomena that people observed. Religion was born after man was born, not before him. Religion is the practice of certain rituals and worshipping God. Now if the nature is called God what is wrong with that.

The only "mistake" made by man was probably the notion that God is angry, and hence we should please him.

GOD is SAT_CHIT_ANANDA. He is all in all, he is the creator and created
He is the truth, he is the knowledge, he is Bliss. He is the entire universe, all the atoms, and the space between Atoms

When he is all in all, what does he NEED?? He doesnot need anything, neither does he want anything These things were invented to make people worship him and bow to him. There is no need to bow to him, we all have to love him, because loving him, is loving yourself and everybody around you. He doesnot require this, but then if you love, your energies are directed in a smoother way.

Brahma is the seed or the creator. Brahma is just a name , you can also call it an IDEA. Vishnu is the sustainer, or the WORD. Hence Mercury is refered to as Vishnu. Shiva is the completion(Not destroyer), but the actual transformation from one state of being to another.

One may have an Idea about Internet, but how do you materialise it?
One have to put down your ideas on paper. This shouldbe articulated (mercury again). Next is to create a pilot project, and then test run it. This is action.These are the Pancha Tatwas (Or the five elements)


The primal sound AUM has for long captivated the seers and sadhakas alike. AUM is the energy that has manifested itself in all that we see, percieve and feel.

From a Jyotish point of view, AUM has a special meaning
It is well understood that A stands for creative principle, U stands for preservation and M stands for dissolution.

It is commonly understood that a planet in an anti principle house is termed as sad or fallen or in crude terms in an enemy house.
Jyotishi has to understand that there are no enemies, all enemies are within.
For clarity, let us call Own house as self, friend as similar or equi energies and Enemy as energies that are quite opposite to the energies of the concerned planet.

Mars represents the agni Tatwa and moves fast. It represents the determination to get things done. Saturn represents slow moving energies. Generally people have termed them as enemies, but if we stick to the scientific understanding or principles, then we experience that both are opposite energies and thus mars in saturn house, or saturn in martian houses are not really comfortable.
Then one may ask how Mars can get exalted in capricorn. We all know that mars can get his way, he is the Dynamite who can blow up mountains. the Saturniun houses represent that. Thus mars can be quite powerful here, as he gets a chance to prove his superiority over other weaklings of Zodiac.

Thus all planets in own house are in waking state and are useful for creative purposes.
All planets which are in friends houses are useful in preservation and continuity of legacies.
All planets that are in enemies houses can be channelised for transforming things under view.

People might ask how Saturn in cancer has produced so many leaders. Saturn repersents the slow moving energy,. Saturn represents the Vayu tatwa or carrier of information. Saturn represents the Labour class, the masses. Moon in general repesents the active consciousness, or what we call as RAM in computer language. Thus when Saturn is in Cancer, the collective consciousness is affected to a great deal.

Whether for good or for Bad, we can always see major upheavals during Saturns transit in Cancer. People born during this time are influenced by thoughts of their parents who live under such turbulent times.
One can see what had happened during the various Transits of Saturn in Cancer in the last 100 years and guage for themselves the various effects.

It is also well known principle that whatever image a woman thinks during the impregnation, such an image is replicated with the offspring.
There is more to all this interlinkages, which can be discussed in later posts.